I missed a check-in or check-out on public transport, what do I do?

If you have missed a check-in or check-out, we will automatically restore your ride for you.

Good to know is that this service only applies to NS Train journeys

Can we predict your end station?

Yes in many cases it is possible to predict your end station, we then automatically correct your missed Check-out. For this, we look at the check-in you do afterwards, for example. We set a fare based on the end station and send you an e-mail.

Can't we predict your end station?

Sometimes that doesn't work and you have to restore the ride yourself. You can restore the ride via the link or via My NS once it is in 'Registrations'. Corrections can be made up to 6 months after the travel date and a maximum of 5 times per calendar year. After 5 times it is possible to have the ride rectified via NS customer service, please note that this will not always be granted and customer service is not obliged to do so.


Restore trip

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