When are registrations and transactions visible in NS Go?

Transactions are visible as ‘Registrations’. It varies per service when the registration of a ride is visible in NS Go.

  • Train transactions are available after 48 hours.
  • Bus and tram transactions are only processed after the service closes the route. This can take up to 60 days.
  • Greenwheels transactions are shared with us once a month and then processed. This can take up to 30 days.
  • Other transactions on the platform are available after 48 hours.

My registrations

When is a transaction from a missed check-in or check-out visible?

We try to restore a missed check-in or check-out for you. Sometimes we cannot restore a ride ourselves. You can restore the ride as soon as it is in ‘Registrations’. This can take up to 5 working days. After restoration, the transaction will be adjusted and the transaction will be visible. This can take up to 12 working days.

Restore missed check-in or check-out

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